Eco, nutrition, food & water, rooted offshore upon a global array of floating maritime nurseries, grows an abundance of renewable, sustainable and nourishing agricultural goods & proteins, dedicated to those in need and for the people of earth. Produced with the best of what nature, humanity and technology have to offer, utilizing the techniques of indoor, vertical farming which maximizes crop yield. Each nursery is equipped with preprogrammed parameters of its crops naturally desired, artificially replicated environment. Parameters pertaining to temperature, humidity, lighting, fertilizer and overall nutrition content. Controlled via an enhanced artificial intelligence, (a fully automated robotic feeding, cleaning, harvesting & environmental nurturing system) preforming around-the-clock, 24/7 climate monitoring. Responding abruptly & directly to any changes in environmental conditions. While simultaneously and autonomously ciphering through the meta-data of each individual crop, containing information on the crops health and needs. Signaling & supplying a pristine, scientifically perfected green house environment. Providing crops with specifically tuned light frequencies from which each species grows best. Biologically altering the sail, customized to each species, morphing earth into its desired chemical composition. Utilizing aquaponics in combination with naturally recycled, organic waste & fertilizer mixture. In coexistence with its protein, a variety of fish species selected from a multitude of factors; including, time to grow, nutritional value, Feed consumption, taste and flavor. Harvesting proteins, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices & with the help of “Cure", (the United Industries pharmaceutical division) naturally medicinal agriculture, , creating healthy, healing medicines derived from the natural remedies provided by Earth, A true garden of eden.

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